Why Should I Let You Into Heaven?

4th Sunday of Lent

A Catholic university professor once asked a group of his students how they would respond if they were to die that very night, appear before God, and be asked the question, “Why should I let you into heaven?”  All the answers had one thing in common: they were all wrong.  The answers revolved around the things we do for God.  But the Good News of the Gospel is that it’s all about what God has done for us!  Jesus Christ came to this earth to carry the weight of our sins, to suffer and die for us, so that we could enjoy eternal life with Him!  Any good that we do…it’s because of what God first did for us!

Thirsty for Souls

3rd Sunday of Lent

In the Gospel today, as Jesus encounters the Samaritan woman at the well, He proves how God is not slowed down in the slightest by our unworthiness or mistakes or sinfulness: God still thirsts for this woman’s faith and trust. Even though she is in what we’d call today an “irregular marital situation” (married 5 times and currently living with a man who’s not her husband) Jesus still offers to her the Holy Spirit.  Jesus thirsts for each and every one of us, too – God thirsts for souls!  Will you give Him a drink of yours?

Taking a Compliment

2nd Sunday of Lent

In the Transfiguration, Peter, James and John glimpse for a moment Jesus as He truly is, in His radiant glory as God.  The voice of the Father proclaims “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased,” and Jesus takes the compliment, allowing it to strengthen Him for his coming suffering and death in Jerusalem.  By our baptism, we are made radiant as God’s children as well, and the Father says to us, “You are my beloved child, with you I am well pleased!”  Those words are meant to strengthen us for the struggles in life, not to be pushed out by all the excuses we come up with.  Do you know how to take the compliment?

A Tale of 2 Men

1st Sunday of Lent

Our readings today present us the with tale of 2 men:  The 1st man – Adam – and the New Adam – Jesus Christ.  Both are tempted by the serpent.  The Old Adam falls and turns away from the Father; the New Adam stands strong in faithfulness to His Father.  This Lent is a journey into the desert with Jesus.  It will be a time of testing and temptation for us just as it was for Him.  In the face of the temptations to come, will we be like the Old Adam, or the New Adam?