Full of Blessings

4th Sunday of Advent

Mary is hailed today as full of grace, full of God’s blessings.  Our lives, too, are filled with God’s blessings…but it’s so easy to forget and miss those blessings (and our sins lead us to forget God’s blessings as well).  As we enter into this Christmas season, let us, like Mary, recognize our blessings and remind ourselves and others of the good things God has done!

Spreading the Light

2nd Sunday of Advent

Christ comes to bring a peace that every heart and soul longs for but which nothing in the world is able to provide.What we need is more of God, more holiness, more of God’s light shining in and through us.  And as we experience God’s light shining out through us, both we and others experience the peace that this world cannot give!

Hell? Is God Fair?

34th Sunday in Ordinary Time

At the end of this liturgical year our readings focus on the end of time, the final judgment, and the coming of God’s kingdom in its fullness, the completion of God’s great plan for all of creation. Jesus speaks of all people being assembled before the Son of Man, and that “he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.  He will place the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.” And those on his left “will go off to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”  Is God fair?  Is this treatment fair?  Listen and find out why this is actually incredibly GOOD news for us!