Only One Eternity

4th Sunday of Easter

After healing a crippled man in the name of Jesus Christ, Peter says to the leaders and the people in our 1st reading, speaking of Jesus Christ, “There is no salvation through anyone else, nor is there any other name under heaven given to the human race by which we are to be saved.”  That’s a bold statement!  Could it possibly be true?!  Because if it is, then it also has some very large repercussions that modern society will not want to hear…

Something vs. SomeONE

Easter Sunday

Our faith is not primarily a set of rules and obligations, nor is it a moral code.  Our faith is not a collection of beliefs for a good life or that help us merit heaven.  Our faith is in a person – Jesus Christ! – and the relationship He offers to us!  Without that relationship, all we’re left with is a bunch of rules and obligations that don’t seem to connect or make sense.  In light of that relationship, everything begins to fall into place and make perfect sense because it’s all in light of growing in a relationship with Him!  God is relationship (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and God in Jesus Christ invites us into this relationship.  So how do you see our faith?  How do you experience the expectations of our faith?  Do you see it as about something or some things…or do you see it as about SomeONE?!