Third Circle Catholicism

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A question to ask ourselves today: “Am I living for myself, or am I living for God?”  And the answer for most of us is probably, “A little bit of both…depending on when you catch me during the day.”  In our Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on Evangelization he gives the image of three circles of what our life can look like and explains them: first, second or third circle.  I want third circle Catholicism, and I hope you do, too!  (Listen to find out what that means!)

Stop Complainin’, Start Proclaimin’!

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

I head a lot of complaining and blaming in this day and age.  Jesus had a lot that he could have complained about in his time…a lot…but we don’t hear Him complain once in the Gospels about any of the things that we often complain about.  Why?  Because His mission wasn’t first and foremost to fix the world.  Rather, Jesus came to save individual people from their sins; Jesus’ mission was to save souls, to proclaim that God’s day was a t hand…and that’s the mission He gave us!  So stop complainin’ and start proclaimin’!