Whose Side Are You On?

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

The people in our first reading today, the Israelites, are at a decision point — they need to decide whom they will follow.  This ancient Biblical situation is wildly applicable for us today.  November 5th is the upcoming presidential election.  Everyone is getting so worked up over politics, and we are all guilty of becoming more and more demonizing to anybody who disagrees with what we think.  I’d invite you to ask yourself: “Whose side am I on?  Whom do I support?”  I think you’ll be surprised by what ought to be the real answer to that question, O Christian!

Prayerful Generosity-CSA

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This weekend is the kickoff for our annual diocesan Catholic Services Appeal (CSA).  The CSA provides incredible opportunities to spread the faith of Jesus Christ in northwestern Wisconsin – for our seminarians, for our youth, for our schools, for our parishes – opportunities that I witness and see the fruits of firsthand!  I’m challenging you this year to stretch yourself in prayerful generosity to all of your favorite organizations and non-profits.   I challenge you particularly this week to think what you might be able to sacrifice monetarily to support the CSA for your parish this coming year.  Jesus Christ is our model of prayer and generosity; let’s act more like Christ in this life, so as to become more of who we are called to be in the next!

Remember & Give Thanks

18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God works so powerfully in and around us at different times in our lives…but like the Israelites in our first reading, it’s so easy to forget the good things God has done in our lives.  When we remember what God has done for us and consciously give Him thanks for those blessings, we begin to enter more fully into the celebration of the Eucharist, where we “give thanks” to God for what He has done for us, especially in giving us the greatest gift of all: the gift of His own Body and Blood, “the food that endures to eternal life!”