Upside Down, Right Side Up

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The famous architect Antoni Gaudi designed the incredible basilica of Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain, which has been under construction for 128 years.  A genius of architecture, he built a model of the church with strings…UPSIDE DOWN…to find and test balance and proportion, because each change in balance would immediately change all of the arches and balance throughout the entire upside down structure.  He turned it UPSIDE DOWN to learn how to do it in the best possible way RIGHT SIDE UP.  Jesus turns so many of our human perceptions, assumptions, and ways of thought UPSIDE DOWN in order to teach us how to live RIGHT SIDE UP…which is especially helpful (and a challenge to us all, I believe) in this time of the election cycle.  Are you willing to see and live things seemingly UPSIDE DOWN from what the world and the media tells you in order to actually live RIGHT SIDE UP?!