Sharing Experience

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Listen to a real, down-to-earth story of barstool evangelization!  When we are sharing with others, what we’re meant to share is not primarily information, but our own experience of God, faith, prayer, and why it’s important to us.  People don’t primarily want to hear theological reasons or arguments (even though they might say they do, or start the conversation that way), what people really need is to be inspired by the real example and experiences that others have of God – and that’s something that any person of faith can share, no matter how much or little they think they know about the faith!

Part 4: Response

4th Sunday of Advent

In this Advent Homily Series we are journeying through the greatest story ever told, the story that has changed and will continue to change the world (if we let it): our story – the creation, the capture, the rescue, and our response!  Listen this week as Deacon Brian focuses in on what our response can be to the God Who has done such incredible things for us!

Overview: “He Delivered us From the Power of Darkness”

Solemnity of Christ the King

On this great Solemnity, Deacon Brian prepares us for our Advent journey by outlining the great story we will be sharing over the homilies of Advent, the story that has changed and will continue to change the world (if we let it): our story – the creation, the capture, the rescue, and our response!