Getting Smaller to Grow Bigger

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Benedict Groeschel once told me, “The Church will get much smaller before it gets bigger.”  In our Gospel, Jesus’ teaching that his followers must eat his flesh and drink his blood (the Eucharist) to find eternal life turned many people away.  But the Church has to get smaller, and more genuine, before it can grow through authentic and powerful witness.  People get up in arms about Paul’s words in our second reading, “Wives, be subordinate to your husbands.”  They fail, however, to read the rest of that chapter, where Paul asks all Christians to be subordinate to one another, to put the wants and needs of others before your own, because that is true love, that is what Christ did for us.

Sadly, we see in the recent news from Pennsylvania and the numerous scandals in the Church that some, even the Church’s own ministers and leaders, have NOT chosen to follow this path that Paul (in following Jesus) laid out.  Rather, they have chosen their wants and needs at the expense of and to the harm of others.  Because of that bad example, many will leave the Church and even lose faith in God.  And for those who remain, there is now more ammunition to be hurled at us.  The Church will get smaller because of this, but it’s a time of purification. “The Church will get much smaller before it gets bigger.”  But it will get bigger…through GENUINE witness to Jesus Christ!

Mass: I Just Wanna Eat You Up!

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our Gospel this weekend, Jesus says that one must eat his flesh and drink his blood to have eternal life.  The people of his day and age are scandalized by that – “How can we possibly eat his flesh and drink his blood!  That’s preposterous!”  Does Jesus apologize?  Or soften his words?  Or say that he’s just speaking figuratively?  No.  In fact, he ups the ante.  We miss it in the English translation, but in the Greek, in response to their pushback, Jesus uses a different word for “eat”, a more vivid, primitive, and animalistic word, to make sure he clearly gets his point across.  Our belief in the Eucharist as the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ is at the same time our belief that God wants to be intimately close to us: that He literally wants to just eat us up!

Going Down to Go Up

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the spiritual life, it’s often the case that when you want to go up, you’ll first “feel” like you’re going down (emphasis on “feel”).  God grows us through struggle and perseverance, and it’s in those times when we “feel” like we’re going down that God is giving us the opportunity to grow in exactly that place where we feel weak.  So the next time you are struggling, don’t blame the situation, don’t blame yourself or think you’re doing something wrong.  Perhaps everything is at it’s supposed to be.  Perhaps you’re doing nothing wrong.  Perhaps God is giving you the opportunity to grow in this place where you “feel” weak and “feel” like a failure.  Maybe what feels like going down is actually going up!

Mass: Sitting at the Feet of Jesus

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel today Jesus goes up a mountain to preach.  This sixth chapter of John’s Gospel, surprisingly enough, is all about the Mass and the Eucharist.  People come and gather around Jesus, sitting at His feet and listening to His words – exactly what we do as we gather at Mass.  Jesus then miraculously feeds thousands – at Mass we are fed with bread and wine miraculously become the Body and Blood of Christ.  The more of ourselves we can put into the Mass, the more we will get out of it.  So this week I leave you with three practical tips of how to enter more deeply into every Mass and carry that experience with you throughout the rest of the week.

Submitting to The Shepherd

16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our first reading from Jeremiah, in the midst of very challenging times – the nation’s leaders were not following the Lord and Jerusalem was on the path to destruction – God promises that one day He will come and shepherd His people rightly.  That promise is fulfilled 500 years later in Jesus, Who comes to us, His people, as the true Shepherd in the line of King David, to lead us to our true home.  That sounds very nice and poetic…but if we actually believe it, then it means that certain demands have been placed upon us: to submit to and follow our true Shepherd and King.  How am I doing this week?

(I apologize for the delay in getting this out – still trying to settle in here at my new assignment.  I appreciate your patience!)

Anointing of the Sick

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospel today, Jesus’ apostles “anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them.”  This is one of the roots of our practice of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.  When should someone get anointed?  When do you call in the priest?  Is it supposed to be during one’s final hours on this earth?  Or could it be sooner?  Listen to find out more.

Some of My Story

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week I moved from Medford to Superior, Wisconsin to begin my new assignment at the 5 parish cluster in and around Superior.  This homily is “some” of my story of re-conversion to our amazing Catholic faith and how I began hearing God’s call to the priesthood (I say “some” because there is so much more to the story, just not enough time in one homily to cover it all!).

Preparing To Hit The Mark

Nativity of John the Baptist

This weekend we celebrate the birth of John the Baptist.  John was a crucial figure, bridging the gap between the Old and New Testaments and preparing people for the coming of the Lord.  He spent most of his life in quiet preparation in the desert, and even though his role was crucial when he stepped out of the desert and into the spotlight, his time “on stage” was very short.  Maybe in your life you don’t feel like you’re on the front lines; maybe parts of your life seem un-amazing and un-eventful; maybe you don’t feel like God is using you often for a special purpose.  Perhaps, like John, this is your time in the desert, when God is preparing you for the time when He wants you to step on stage and play a crucial role in the life of someone else.

From Small to Big

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God has a way of taking something small and making it big.  We see it in the parable of the shoot from a great cedar in our first reading, in the parable of the mustard seed from our Gospel, in the Church that Jesus established which has grown across the world over 2,000 years, and even in our own growth: from a one-celled organism in your Mama’s belly to the 49 trillion-celled person you are today. God has a way of taking something small and making it big.  He wants to do this with your faith as well!  No matter how small you think your faith might be, give it to the Lord this day/this summer, place it on that altar at Mass, and He will make it bigger – it’s just what He does!

Two Creation Stories

10th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The first book in our Bible, the book of Genesis, begins with two different creation stories…two DIFFERENT creation stories!  What does it mean?  What do they mean?  Could they have something to say about who we are, what our relationship to God is, and why there is evil, pain and suffering in the world as we know it?  Listen to hear more!