Exterior to Interior

4th Sunday in Advent

The sacrifices and offerings God asks for in the Old Testament are meant to show forth the interior reality that God’s people desire to do His will before their own.  Jesus came physically into the world on Christmas day so that He could live not just next to us, but, ultimately, IN us – in the Eucharist and through the gift of the Holy Spirit.  Amidst the busy-ness of Christmas preparation this year, take time to remember why we do all these external things: to invite and celebrate Jesus’ coming into us again this Christmas!

My Homily from this weekend.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

3rd Sunday of Advent

We celebrate Gaudete Sunday – “Rejoice” Sunday – this weekend.  What are we joyful about?  That Jesus came and gave us something we could never get on our own, a gift of supernatural power that brings us beyond even the strongest human ability, the gift of the Holy Spirit.  It is only in the Holy Spirit that we find a joy, a peace, a thankfulness that surpasses anything this world can offer.  That’s why we rejoice this Sunday, that we already have this gift.  Have you unwrapped it yet?  Come, Holy Spirit!

My Homily from this weekend.


A Highway for Our God

2nd Sunday of Advent

John the Baptist challenges us in this second week of Advent to be prepared for Christ’s coming, to make straight a highway for our God.  God came to this earth because He wanted our hearts, and He’ll keep coming until He gets them.  When Jesus comes, will He find the road to your heart smooth-sailing for His holiday travel…or is it going to be a bumpy and windy ride?  What needs to be cleared away?  What needs to be added?  “Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths” this Advent season!

My Homily from this weekend.


The Holy Door

1st Sunday of Advent

Happy New Year!  Today we begin, in the Church, a new liturgical year with Advent – the season of waiting, watching, and praying for the coming of the Lord at Christmas.  Pope Francis has also proclaimed this coming year a Jubilee Year of Mercy, wherein the Holy Door of St. Peter’s basilica will be opened.  We are all invited, in spirit, to step through that door  from a life of sin into a life of grace, to recommit ourselves as disciples of Jesus Christ, and, in a special way, to both receive God’s mercy in our own lives and to be agents of that mercy in the lives of those around us.

My Homily from this weekend.

Christ the King

Solemnity of Christ the King – 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This feast is a challenge for us: is Jesus Christ the King of our lives?  And by that I mean, is Jesus Christ the King of EVERY area of our lives: family life, work life, public life, private life, personal life, mind, body?  Jesus is the King of all, and He wants to be King in your life, but He waits for you to decide.  So will you invite Jesus in today to be the King of all you heart?

My Homily from this weekend.

Apocalypse – The Unveiling

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Apocalypse literally means to pull back the veil, to uncover, to see things as they ARE.  When Jesus comes again all things will be unveiled; we will see all things as they are – visible and invisible – and all things will see us as we are – down to our depths.  Sin spiritually disfigures the soul, while grace and virtue makes ordinary people beautiful, strong and attractive at the core. So today we speak and act in such a way that if the Lord called us right now, we would be ready to meet him, unveiled!

My Homily from this weekend.

Adoration Appeal

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus Christ is present, 100% Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist – that’s amazing!  And in adoration we get to spend time with this Jesus, one on one; we get to see this Jesus!  We all want God’s presence and God’s peace in the midst of our busy lives.  Adoration is that opportunity to give ourselves a break, to experience the peace and rest that only God can bring.  You’ve worked hard – experience peace for a moment, come to adoration.

My Homily from this weekend.

Ordinary Holiness

Solemnity of All Saints

Holiness isn’t the call of a select few, it is the ordinary call of every Christian – it’s the norm!  Everyone in heaven is a saint.  Saints aren’t angels, they’re survivors, with their own shares of difficulties and joys in this life, but who turned to Jesus again and again and again.  Want a direct path to genuine holiness, follow St. Therese’s Little Way, simply ask throughout the day, “What’s the right thing to do in this moment?”

My Homily from this weekend.

Thankful Discipleship

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus calls us to be His disciples, but true discipleship involves a relationship with Jesus – a relationship built on a thankful, joyful love, not an imposed duty or obligation.  Our Psalm proclaims, “The Lord has done great things for us!”  What great things has God done in your life?  Out of that thankfulness is where we begin to live true discipleship!

My Homily from this weekend.

Suffering Well

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God wants to walk with us in our struggles.  Jesus came to us in our sin and weakness and suffering precisely so that He could walk through it with us.  Jesus doesn’t avoid suffering, He takes it head on, trusting that not even suffering can separate Him from His Father.  And we as Christians are called to that same mission.  Following Jesus means learning to suffer in love, learning to walk through our difficulties with Jesus, and then to walk through difficulty with others, as Jesus did.

My Homily from the weekend.