Holding Onto Jesus

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The rich young man comes to Jesus asking what he must do to inherit eternal life.  Having followed all the commandments from his youth, Jesus invites him into the Major Leagues – to follow him in a deeper way…and this good young man walks.  There are lots of ‘good’ people in this world, but the only thing that matters is whether we are willing to choose Jesus.  Are you willing to put something down in life in order to pick up Jesus?  We’ve only got two hands: what are you holding onto?

My Homily from this weekend.

Faithful Love

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Marriage, Divorce, Homosexuality, Gay Marriage – we live in the tension of showing genuine love, care and concern for every person as a child of God and walking with others through any struggle they may encounter, while standing for our belief in marriage as a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman.  There is a difference between supporting a person and supporting actions/lifestyles.  Let’s be the example of faithful love for ALL!

My Homily from this weekend.

Let Your Voice Be Heard!

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Pope is in the United States!  And we should be proud: Pope Francis is modelling to us how to show active care and concern for all, especially those pushed to the fringes of society, while at the same time actively upholding the principles we stand by as Christians and Catholics – before Congress, before the United Nations, before the world.  Never be afraid to let your voice be heard!

My Homily from this weekend.

Plugged In

23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Many of us, I think it’s safe to say, feel like we have some degree of a spiritual speech impediment: when confronted about Jesus or some aspect of our Catholic faith, we suddenly become tongue-tied – we don’t always know the “Why?” behind many of the actions we traditionally do.    But there ARE answers and we CAN know them: by listening, by hearing, by regularly ‘plugging in’ to Jesus.  So how do you stay plugged into God throughout the week?

My Homily from this weekend.

The Best Way to Live

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Laws and rules protect the values our nation upholds, and they allow us the freedom to live by these values.  Laws and rules in sports allow for the freedom to play the game.  The laws and rules of God teach us how to be human so that we can have the freedom to live fully human – which means fully happy – lives.  They are not meant to be blindly followed, but to consciously bring us into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Then they’re not even rules anymore, they’re simply the best way to live!

My Homily from this weekend.