Our Lady of Guadalupe

3rd Sunday of Advent

People started following and listening to Jesus in large part because of the signs that accompanied his message – the miracles he was performing. December 12th was the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  In 1531 Mary appeared to an Aztec peasant named Juan Diego asking that a Church be built on the spot.  Accompanying these apparitions were three miracles – the miracle of the roses, the miracle of the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe appearing on Juan Diego’s cloak/tilma (which can still be seen today in Mexico and which defies all modern explanation), and the miracle of over 9 million people converting to Christianity in a matter of years and following Christ because of this apparition and image.  In our Gospel today John the Baptist is preparing the way for our Lord.  Mary has prepared the way for our Lord Jesus in so many ways, both through her life on this earth and her continued apparitions to God’s children. Inspired by the miracles that God has done, let’s ask God to continue to work miracles in our lives and in this world, that we may follow Him with more conviction and that others may be opened to hearing the message of Jesus Christ!